About journal

ISSN: 0365-8554

Foundation date: January 1899 –Neftyanoe Delo; May 1920 – Azerbaijan Oil Industry

Founder: State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic

Profile: Scientific-technical, production

Publication languages: Azerbaijani, Russian, English

Frequency: Monthly

Format: 60x84 1/8

Volume: 9,0-12,0

Circulation: 1000-1200 issues

Printing at: Centralized Printing House at “Oil and Gas Research Project” Institute

Registration №: 256 (The journal registered in Media and Information Ministry).

In 1898, permanent oil industry workers Convention body Baku Oil Industry Workers Conventions Union started to publish “Neftyanoe Delo” (“Oil Work”) newspaper-journal in Baku. Its first issue was published in 1899, January in Russian. 

Consequently, it became the edition playing an important role in reflecting the oil industry achievements and issues in detail not only in Baku, but all over the world.

The edition was published twice in a month until Soviet authority was settled in Azerbaijan. In the first issue of Oil Work published “Editorial note”, emphasizing that the edition “will reflect the issues and needs of oil industry as a whole, as well as the topics at any rate associated with it, publish the data on oil production, consumption, oil distribution and its products, and the operation of oil refineries”. The main attention was paid to the “mechanical  and economic aspects of production and refining of oil, its transportation, storage and crude marketing, connection of oil industry with vapor fleet, the analysis of Russian (Baku) and foreign petroleum markets state as well”.

Oil Work was a serious petroleum manual and collection of scientific papers of leading professionals and mining engineers of Russian Empire.   

It is notable that already in one of the first issues of Oil Work was published a well-grounded analytical article on foreign investments in Russian oil industry. 


It is necessary to note that except for specific scientific and economic issues of oil sphere, special focus was made on the topics of oil field geology in Russia (particularly in Azerbaijan) and oversees; the status of oil reserves in Caucasus and Absheron, as well as the prospects of development of new oil-gas bearing regions in Povolzhye, Siberia and the Far East. It is necessary to mark that as an appendix Oil Work was regularly publishing stenographs of Baku oil workers conventions and annual “Reviews of Baku petroleum industry” as a leading oil industry of Russian Empire. Thus, according to the acceptance of many foreign professionals studying the world history of oil work, exactly on the pattern and model of Baku editions of Convention Union (“Oil work” and “Reviews of Baku oil industry”), hereafter the principles of preparation and processing of petroleum statistics in many world countries were developed. 

It is also characteristic that there were separate sections in the journal in which special attention was paid to the social issues, as well as the decisions made in conventions of Baku oil workers; these sections was publishing “the tasks of inner character within field and plant regions, particularly on the improvement of living conditions of the workers and, generally, working element, organization of medical and sanitary surveys, the life and injury insurance of workers, the regulation of communication lines, as well as water supply, organization of general academic schools, public reading, libraries, etc.” The journal informed the community on the increase of payment orders by Convention for the aid organization to the wounded and for war needs in total up to 1 million rubles. 

The unique character of the edition in the Caucasus, the popularity of which was consistently increasing, promoted its introduction out of Caucasus region. Since 1900, Oil Work had its correspondent bureau in London. By 1910, subscription offices already existed in all large cities of Russia and journal exchange with a great number of domestic and foreign periodical petroleum editions conducted. 

Oil Work was publishing the papers of outstanding professionals in oil industry standing at the origins of this industry. 

Namely in Oil Work was published the information on compared little known Russian Nobel awards founded in Saint-Petersburg (1898) and in Baku (1904). It is necessary to remind that Ludwig Award established in Saint-Petersburg for the best research on metallurgy and oil industry was presented three times – in 1896, 1898 and 1905; and Emmanuel Nobel award founded in Baku for the best proceedings and discoveries in oil work sphere was presented four times – in 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1914. It should be pointed out that Baku award was international - Article 2 in Award provisions said: ”Award applicants may be both Russians and foreigners”.  

After October Revolution in 1917, as the most of editions published in Russian Empire, Oil Work journal was closed (on the Decision of Baku Bolshevik Council of People’s Commissars in May, 1918). It should be noted that during I World War the journal continued publishing the data on the status of oil industry emphasizing that the war had totally disorganized the economy of the country. In last issues of the journal in 1917 was underlined: “.. Oil industry meets 1918 in hard conditions.. The situation becomes more critic, if not catastrophic…”

In September, 1918 Azerbaijan Democratic Republic renewed the edition of the journal. In March, 1920 was published the last issue of the journal under previous title. 

In May, 1920 on the statement of the Council of People’s Commissars of Azerbaijan SSR, “Oil Work” journal was renamed as “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” (AOI). 

Today the journal publishes materials in Azerbaijani, Russian and English. 


Being the oldest press organ of the sphere, as the source of scientific-technical and production information, the journal became popular not only in the Republic, but far beyond as well. During the whole period of its activity, the journal gained valuable information on its pages and at the moment we can say that it is a specific industry encyclopedia. 

Numerous major priorities of technical progress in oil sphere were reflected in materials published in AOI.

 Authors’ staff of the journal consists of national and foreign professionals, engineers and scientists, intellectual potential of which was used for the development of oil industry and related sectors. 

The journal plays a significant role in the preparation of highly-qualified personnel for oil industry. On its pages have been published scientific-technical papers of well-known professionals and production leaders. These are L.S.Leybenzon, D.V.Golubyatnikov, M.F.Mirgink, M.V.Barinov, I.M.Gubkin, M.V.Abramovich,  V.G.Shukhov, Y.H.Mammadaliyev, S.A.Vezirov, V.N.Selkajev, A.Asan-Nuri, E.I.Taghiyev, P.Shumilov, M.T.Gusman, A.A.Alizadeh, V.F.Negreyev, A.A.Yagubov, S.M.Guliyev, R.I.Shishenko, S.Y.Litvinov, I.G.Yesman, A.Kh.Mirzajanzadeh,  M.T.Abbasov, A.J.Amirov, A.B. Suleymanov, I.M.Asadov, M.K.Seyid-Rza, M.R.Guluzadeh, N.J.Tahirov, G.N.Jalilov, A.A.Alizadeh, Kh.B.Yusifzadeh, A.G.Aliyev, R.S.Gurbanov, F.I.Samedova, I.S.Guliyev, Z.G.Kerimov, A.M.Khasayev, A.M.Guliyev, Z.M.Ahmedov, M.B. Kheyirov, I.A. Nasrullayev and others.

During the whole publication period the journal has been managed by the Pleiad of chief editors that were the proud of oil industry. It is necessary to mark I.M.Asadov, A.J.Amirov, M.K.Seyid-Rza, A.Kh.Mirzajanzadeh and others. In different periods the academicians I.M.Gubkin, Y.H.Mammadaliyev were the members of editorial staff. 

The journal is being distributed to all enterprises and organizations of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic, scientific-research and design institutes, higher schools, joint-stock enterprises, foreign companies and corporations, as well as to the foreign countries via subscription and the Internet. 

Editorship and editorial board consisting of leading scientists and professionals of oil industry together conduct efficient work with author staff towards further maintenance and development of scientific-technical status, as well as specifics and profile of the edition.  

We are always ready to publish the papers of scientific and practical interest corresponding to the journal’s profile. 



Journal major sections and subdivisions

1. Geology and geophysics
2. Well drilling
3. Oil and gas field development and exploitation
4. Oil and the sea
5. Oil refining and petroleum chemistry
6. Oil field equipment
7. Economy, management and law
8. Ecology
9. Oil and gas preparing and transportation
10. Industrial process automation
11. Nanotechnologies in oil industry
12. Young scientists and specialists

1. Production and experience exchange
2. Foreign experience
3. About young and veterans
4. From the oil industry development history
5. Reviews on published books
6. From journal archive
7. Information
