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It would be impossible to achieve the modern society quick growth without such kind of necessary fuel and power resources as oil and gas. Azerbaijan is rich with hydrocarbon resources oil country, besides, the country with ancient history in exploration and exploitation of these resources.
In 1884 in Baku was founded the special enterpriser organization “Baku oil industrialist Council”. This Council was headed by Ludwig Nobel till 1888. In 1888 in Baku oil industrialists convention was decided to found a paper-journal “Oil work”. Since January 10, 1899 this paper-journal was issued twice in a month. Afterwards, beginning from May 1920, the journal was renamed into “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” and started to be issued monthly.
“Azerbaijan Oil Industry” journal is a monthly scientific-technical and production journal in sphere of oil-gas fields prospecting and exploration, well drilling, oil-gas fields development and exploitation, oil and chemistry, ecology and economy.
