In its activity “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” Journal of SOCAR follows the laws in force of the Republic of Azerbaijan, accepted by international community with the standards of publication ethics expressed in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics in science (COPE) and with the decisions of Editorial Board. Editorial Board members, authors, reviewers and publisher shall comply with the ethical standards, regulation and rules and take necessary steps to prevent their breaking.
Reviewing and Communication with Reviewers
All scientific-technical articles published in “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” Journal of SOCAR undergo mandatory reviewing process, which allows:
Detailed description of existing models of peer reviewing and ethical standards accepted by international community, which peer reviewers of scientific journals shall follow are presented on the website of Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE) COPE Council. Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers. September 2017. www.
As a base model “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” journal uses single anonymous (blind) reviewing: the reviewer has information about the authoring team while the name of reviewer is only known to the editors and disclosed only with the consent of reviewer.
Duties of Editorial Board
The editors shall guarantee that the materials published comply with the international standards of scientific and publication ethics. In case if a conflict of interests occurs with the article’s author, the paper shall be given to another editor.
If the article is not rejected in the first stage of reviewing (see the Order of manuscript reviewing), Editorial Board shall organize the reviewing process selecting the reviewers from the most professionals by the subject area of the paper.
Editors shall keep in secret the names of reviewers.
Editors shall guarantee high quality of materials published in the journal and their informative completeness, as well as to publish the corrections, explanations, changes in the cases when necessity occurs.
Duties of Authors
General requirements:
The manuscript authors shall submit the trustworthy results of performed work, as well as objective discussions on the research significance. The base data of the article shall be submitted without any mistake and the descriptions of materials and methods of the research should be in detail in order to allow performing it and obtaining corresponding results.
The overviews (including systematic) shall also be accurate and objective.
Submission of false or certainly wrong claims in the manuscript will be signified as willful breach of publication ethics and the manuscript will be rejected from publication.
Our journal does not publish plagiarism in any form – texts, concepts or data.
The manuscript authors shall submit full original works. The references to the results of other authors’ works should be followed with the links to the corresponding primary sources, which should be included in the references as well. The citation of the text published earlier should be designed as a direct speech with mandatory reference to the origin. Large fragments of adopted texts are not allowed to be included into the manuscript.
All articles submitted to the editorial office undergo assessment in “Antiplagiarism Expert” system. The minimal barrier for originality of the text submitted for reviewing is 85 %.
Revealing the plagiarism concepts and data is carried out within peer reviewing, as well as after the publication of manuscripts - upon the readers’ requests with corresponding claims. When the fact of unauthorized use of the data (the results of scientific research) or concept is revealed, the article is retracted and rejected from publication, even if it has been already published.
The authors shall guarantee that the manuscript submitted for publication presents the results of original research not published earlier and not submitted for the publication to the other editions. Ignorance of this rule will be signified as willful breach of publication ethics and the manuscript will be rejected from reviewing.
Second publication of a certain type of articles (specifically translated) is allowed in some cases (when specified rules are followed). In such a case the authors shall notify the editorial office and explicitly substantiate the second publication of the article. The regulation of questions associated with copyright on publication is carried out individually in each particular case.
Acknowledgement of Original Sources
It is always necessary to acknowledge the contribution of others in performed research. The authors shall refer to the publications, which were significant for scientific research highlighted in the manuscript. The data obtained illegally (specifically in the course of a conversation, correspondence or in the process of discussions with third parties), should not be used or presented without written permission of original source. The information obtained via confidential sources (particularly on a grant for performing research) should not be mentioned in the manuscript without accurate written permission of those of the authors, who has much to do with corresponding confidential sources.
Authorship of Publication
As co-authors, all persons made significant contribution to the formation of article concept, development, performing and/or interpretation of the results of submitted research work should be noted.
The persons made certain contribution to the process of writing and preparing the manuscript for publication (including those who performed scientific and stylistic editing and design in accordance with journal requirements) should be marked in the article as well.
Prior to the submission of manuscript, the authors shall make sure of all co-authors to see and approve the final version of the article and agree with its submission for publication.
Research Objects and their Risks
The authors bear personal responsibility that the names of research participants are revealed in the manuscript by no means. The authors shall make sure that the identification of study objects is impossible via the data submitted in manuscript.
Significant Mistakes in Published Articles
In case if the author reveals significant mistakes or inaccuracies in the article, he should notify about it editorial office or publisher and communicate with them to withdraw the publication or correct the mistakes as soon as possible. If the editorial office or publisher receive reasonable information from the third party that the publication contains significant mistakes, the author shall either withdraw the article or correct the errors as soon as possible, or dispose the claim on the errors submitting necessary evidences to editorial office.
Duties of Reviewers
All manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are forwarded to one of the members of Editorial Review Board by the subject of scientific research for the reviewing or to a peer reviewer upon the recommendation of the member of Editorial Board.
Reviewer evaluates scientific quality of the article, its topicality and compliance with the subject and requirements of the journal.
Reviewer shall notify the editor-in-chief on the presence of financial, administrative or personal conflicts of interests, which may affect perception and the interpretation of manuscript materials and refuse the reviewing in case of discovering such conflicts.
Reviewing process is carried out confidentially (single “blind” reviewing). The breach of confidentiality is allowed only in the case if the reviewer claims on uncertainty or falsification of materials presented in the article.
Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts forwarded to them are private ownership of the authors and related to the confidential information.
Correction Policy of Editorial Office in Published Articles
In case if the article contains inaccuracies and actual errors not requiring the article retraction, editorial office republishes it with corrections.
The purposes of corrections made in the scientific article after publication are to deliver to the reader trustworthy, accurate information and help to avoid unauthorized adoptions, as well as to eliminate error data.
The article is republished in case of numerous typing mistakes, wrong designed citation, false formulations, incorrect facts, as well as when corrections in the author team are necessary and other cases requiring correction of mistakes.
The republication of article may be initiated by author(s), readers or editorial office.
Policy of Withdrawing Articles from Publication
In some cases, Editorial Board can make a decision to withdraw (retract) the article. Thus, the article is officially withdrawn if the breach of publication ethics (plagiarism fact or being published in other edition etc.) is revealed in any stage of reviewing, prepress or after publication or significant errors putting in doubt scientific value of the article discovered. The withdrawal of article due to the breach of publication ethics will lead to the prohibition of further publication of articles in the journal of all members of author team involved in the incident.
In such circumstances, Editorial Office publishes a claim on the article withdrawal placing it in the corresponding page of issue content on official webpage of journal.
Privacy Policy
The author credentials (name, surname, the name and address of affiliated organization, email address, phone number for communication of readers with authors, submitted title for publication in journal) become available for uncertain scope of persons, to which the authors agree when submit article to editorial office. Mentioned information is published in the authors’ interest with the purpose of full and correct consideration of publications and their citation by corresponding bibliographic organizations, as well as to provide the communication between the authors and scientific community.
Personal data submitted by authors alongside with mentioned above details including email address and phone number will be used exceptionally for communication with authors in preparation process of article for publication. Editorial Board shall not transmit personal data to third parties, which may use it for other purposes.