Publication of articles

To the attention of authors!

Scientific-technical and production articles submitted to the “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” journal are placed to editorial office portfolio for further publication after expert review obtained and consideration at editorial board meeting.

The procedure of reviewing and approval lasts 2 months, and then the articles are published in the order of arrival.

To publish the articles in “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” journal we kindly ask to meet the following requirements.

Copyright: Only abstracts of articles are published in three languages on web site. Placing published articles in third-party repositories is beyond the authority of our Journal. Regarding placement of material in third-party repositories, it is necessary to contact the author of article.
Authors are not required to pay a fee for publishing articles in the journal.

Completeness of materials

  1. The cover letter from organization on submission of an article for publication in “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” journal with the list of attached materials.
  2. The credentials of all authors: first, middle and last name, scientific degree, the employer, position, date of birth (day, month, year), the copies of identity card and state social insurance certificate, e-mail, contact telephone numbers.

Technical requirements for article layout

  1. The articles are accepted in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages.
  2. The keywords and abstracts in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages should be attached to the article.
  3. The article volume should not exceed 15 pages including the tables and references. The article is executed in Microsoft Word, in 14-font size through 1.5 interline. The tables and figures with picture captions should be submitted on separate pages.
  4. The article should be submitted to the Editorial office in 2 printed out A4 format white paper hardcopies and on CD as well. Borders from the left – 30 mm, from the right – 10 mm, from up and down – 20 mm. The pages are numbered. Recommended font types for printing are Times New Roman (for Azerbaijani, Russian and English texts). The editorial office also accepts articles by e-mail at
  5. The material should be positioned in the following order:
  • The code of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
  • The title of the article;
  • Authors’ first, middle and last name, scientific degree, organization name (if several authors are from different enterprises, the titles of organizations should be numbered in ascending order; the same number has to be shown at superscript, e.g. I.A. Bayramov1, A.A. Aliyev2, etc.);
  • Keywords in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages;
  • The main text is recommended to present by generally accepted in international journals scheme using the following subtitles: Introduction, Methodology and Conclusion).
  • Conclusion (resume) should preferably involve practical appliance of results;
  • The references are presented at the end of the text and should contain: the initials and surnames of the authors, the title and publication year of the book (article), publishing house, the number of pages, the title and issue of the journal, first and last pages of the article. In the text are noted only the numbers of references in square brackets, e.g. [5].
  1. The article should be signed by all authors.


The number of tables should not exceed 5. Tables are executed in Word, Excel. Each table should be submitted as a separate file.  



The number of figures should not exceed 5, not considering a, b, c.

The figures are submitted in Word, Excel, Photoshop, Corel DRAW (15 and previous versions) in jpg format (not less than 300 dpi). The graphic material should be executed accurately and provide the clearness of all details (the coordinate axes, numbers and characters). It is necessary to provide total compliance of text, figure captions and titles with the article. Scanned figures and those transferred from other image editors are not accepted.

Duplication of texts, tables and graphics is not allowed. All units of measurement should be provided in SI – International System of Units.



The number of formulas should not exceed 10 (not considering intermediate formulas). Complicated mathematical formulas are recommended to be executed in formula editor (MathType, not as figure) and simple ones in Word.

The articles not meeting these requirements are returned to the authors. The date of article receipt is considered the day, in which the editorial office receives the final text.

The editorial office reserves the right to make editing changes and reduction in manuscripts. For coordination of the changes with authors, editorial office presents them the right to reading and discussion of these changes in two stages of preparation for publication (during editing and after page proofs).

The editorial office notifies the authors about the date of changes coordination (via e-mail or telephone call), after which the authors must arrive at the editorial office during 3 working days. Otherwise, the editorial office reserves the right to publish the article with its own editing changes without coordination with authors, or to remove the article from journal issue.

Any changes in the articles after editorial office forwards the material to the publishing house for publication are not allowed.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact the editorial office of “Azerbaijan Oil Industry” journal by:

Tel./ faks: +994 (12) 521-15-48

