Published October 2009
New directions of the development technologies of cleanings of the hydrocarbon row materials
F.I.SamedovaIn IPCP of NAS aside of traditional researches of the compound and characteristics of the Azerbaijan oils for the reason issues recommendation upon their scientifically-motivated to sorting and conversion for reception of fuels and oils of the different purpose, answering hereby and perspective requirements are conducted researches and in the following new directions, which are considered in represented to item: -supercritical fluid extraction in process of the conversion to oils and oil faction with use SC-CO2 for decision of the problem of the creation technology, which is more efficient to ecology; -a development of the new methods of separation from of oils and their heavy remainder asphaltene; -a development of technologies of the reception high index oils from alternative row materials - an organic part of oiled grounds; -searching for of the alternative selective solvents for extraction processes, in particular for cleaning of oil faction from undesirable component, from number of the ion liquids, synthesized in institute.