Published January 2023, Pg. 4-9

Section: Geology and geophysics

UOT: 550.8:553.98

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-1-4-9

On the oil-gas bearing content of giant mud volcanoes in South Caspian basin

N.P. Yusubov Dr. in Geol.-Min. Sc - Institute for Oil and Gas

I.S. Guliyev Dr. in Geol.-Min. Sc - Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Sh.S. Kocharli Cand. in Geol.-Min.Sc. - Institute for Geology and Geophysics

mud volcano
eruptive channel
seismic field
fluid migration
hydrocarbon deposits
inner energy of medium

The results of the regional two-dimensional (two or three-dimensional detailed scale by some areas) of seismic surveys carried out in the Azerbaijani sector of the South Caspian depression (SCD) through 1990-2002 years justified once again that approximately hundred local uphevals here are followed with the mud volcanoes. One or more mud volcanoes have been recorded in some structures (Shahdeniz-4, Absheron-2, Mashal-2, Shafag-Asiman-5 etc.). The results of the geophysical surveys allowed to specify that the geological section of the region underwent the dislocations of various types as a result of the effect of eruptive channels of giant mud volcanoes, and to obtain additional data on the morphology of seabed. According to the list of the large objects involved in the formation of the dislocations in the SCD: Ataturk arch, on which ten mud volcanoes are marked; a group of volcanoes – Shahriyar, Javadkhan, Firdovsi, Natavan, Khuluflu; Shahdag, Sanili, Ayrilig, Rustamov, Fuzuli, Babazade, Zafar-Mashal etc. includes the giant mud volcanoes located on the line connecting the mud volcanoes. The direct correlation of the hydrocarbon fields revealed in the SCD with mud volcanism gives reason to suppose the presence of new oil and gas fields (accumulations) adjacent to the giant mud volcanoes in the seismic field. The paper presents the views of the authors associated with this topic.


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