Published January 2023, Pg. 15-18

Section: Oil and gas field development and exploitation

UOT: 622.276.5

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-1-15-18

The main filtration characteristics of two-phase systems in the porous medium

M.A. Dadashzade Cand. in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

S.H. Novruzova PhD in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

gas factor
free gas
gassy fluid
saturation pressure
porous medium
gas-polluted zone

The practice justifies that the most oil fields are characterized with numerous parameters in the operation process. The pressure, phase permeability, volumetric flow rate by the phases are some of them. The changing of parameters, as a result, drastically effect the productivity of the oil wells. By course of time, the pressure drop leads to the seperation of gas from fluid in formation conditions, i.e. if the bottomhole pressure is lower than saturation pressure, the degassing takes place at the bottomhole zone, which increases the permeability of gas phase.


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