Published January 2023, Pg. 19-25

Section: Technique and technology of oil-gas production

UOT: 622.276

DOI: DOI.10.37474/0365-8554/2023-1-19-25

A new approach to the estimation of real characteristics of multi-phase flows in gaslift educator

Sh. Z. Ismayilov Cand. in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

G.G. Ismayilov Dr. in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

P.Sh. Ismayilova - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

multi-phase flow
gaslift educator
flow parameters
structural mode
phase displacement.

It is known that the multi-phase flows are widespread in the oil-gas production, as well as in the collection and transportation of hydrocarbons from offshore fields. These gravitational upward and downward flows are characteristic for the rising pipes of gaslift and flow wells, as well as for the risers of subsea multi-phase pipelines.

A new approach for the estimation of the real parameters of multi-phase flows considering the phase displacement is offered in the paper and the perspectives of their definition based on the microscopic parameters of well operation shown as well.

A possibility of the specification of the real density, real gas content and phase displacement of gas-fluid flows in the rising pipes of gas-lift wells based on the actual operation data in the context of the wells of Guneshli (OFP-15) offshore field is shown.


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