Published January 2023, Pg. 26-28

Section: Oil field equipment

UOT: 622.32

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-1-26-28

The study of surface roughness of plastic details operated in oil field equipment

N.A. Hasanova PhD in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

plastic details
surface roughness
technological parameters
quality control
press mould

The quality of the plastic details of the oil field equipment is predominantly characterized with the operation properties, such as high strength, low roughness of surface, wear-resistance, high resistance to the aggressive medium and, finally, high technological capacity that makes polymers irreplaceable for using in various engineering constructions. Moreover, the quality of the plastic details is formed mainly in the process of their manufacturing. Therefore, the control on the stability of changing of the technological parameters of preparation process is essential. If the defects revealed, and shortcomings of some parameters in a final product cannot be eliminated then the imperfections revealed can be corrected in time due to the changing of technological regimes. Based on the results obtained, the optimum regimes for a specific brand of plastic details applied in the oil field production are recommended.


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