Published October 2009
Purification of mixture of heavy petrol of catalytic cracking with diesel fraction from sulphur by hydrogenation
Kh.T.EyubovaThe concept of development of oil-processing industry of Azerbaijan provides as priority tasks an increase of depth of oil refining, development of new highly effective and ecologically pure processes and technologies. Petrol of catalytic cracking (CC) is one of the main basic components in preparation of high-octane commercial autopetrols (30-40% from volume of all elaborated components). It has a low content of benzene (0,6-0,7% rev.), total aromatics (25-30%), olefin hydrocarbons (HC) (12-20%), favorable fractional composition. However the petrol of CC preparing from non-hydropurified vacuum distillation is characterized by sufficiently high content of sulphur and is the basic source of sulphur in total petrol fund (> 90%). The valuable high-octane olefins are concentrated in easy petrol fractions of CC and about 80% sulphur containing compounds – end highly boiling fractions of petrol of CC. Consequently, it follows to subject to hydropurification only heavy petrol fraction of CC. Thus, the prepared data show that subjecting desulfurization only highly boiling part of petrol fraction of CC with high content of sulphur and not containing olefin HC the stable petrol with low content of sulphur 0,002 % without decrease of quantity of high-octane HC and by value of SN m.m. 81,7 points is prepared after compounding with easy fraction. A realization of hydrodesulfurization of mixture of once-run diesel fraction and heavy petrol fraction of CC on BOPP of H.Aliev on the block of hydropurification of 100 installations G-43-107 in the presence of high-octane industrial catalyst AGKD-400 will allow to produce all volume of automobile petrol of CC with content of sulphur no more 0,002 % (mass) and diesel fraction corresponding to requirements of perspective norms on content of sulphur (0,004 %). On BOPP of H.Aliev without additional expenses for building of new capacities on hydropurification the problem of increase of production and increase of quality of motor fuels, consumed in internal market can be solved. The subsequent mixing (dilution) of hydropurified petrol of CC with low-sulphur components of reforming, isomerizates, etc will provide a required content of sulphur in commercial petrol (no more 0,0005-0,001 %).