Published January 2023, Pg. 45-51

Section: Economy, management and law

UOT: 622:338

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-1-45-51

The social-economic efficiency of measures on the development of safe labor conditions in oil field enterprises

R.K. Iskenderov Dr. in Ec. Sc. - Azerbaijan Technical University

A.K. Melikov - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry

safe labor
industrial enterprise
labor protection
social-economic efficiency
digital environment

The paper studies the social-economic efficiency of the measures towards the development of safe conditions of labor in the industrial enterprises. The necessity of the advancement of corresponding legal framework is shown, and various aspects defining industrial safety are characterized as well. The basic procedures of ensuring safe working environment, and the evaluation of the social-economic efficiency of the measures towards the labor protection in the industrial enterprises are reviewed, and the perspectives of its enhancement shown. Special attention is paid to the issues of the monetary evaluation of the measures carried out towards improving the safety of labor conditions; the reasons for the variety of approaches to the estimation of the social injury are studied as well. With the purpose of development of safe working environment in an industrial enterprise, the views on the perspectives of the advancement of the organization of control in the working places are offered. The possibilities of the minimization of the social-economic losses in the system of labor protection are specified..


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