Published October 2009
The preparation synthetic oil acids by catalytic oxidation naphthene concentrate with participation nanocarbon structures
E.B.ZeynalovThis is article characterizes the catalytic influence of carbon-nanotubes multi wall structures on process liquid phase oxidations oil hydrocarbons, for the reason increase the leaving the target products of the process, but in particular synthetic oil acids (SOA). Comparative results of the studies on oxidation of the fractions 220-340oC Balakhani oil in the presence of different concentration carbon-nanotubes and fullerene C60/C70 are present. The catalytic properties carbon-nanotubes multi wall structures will determined at oxidation oil hydrocarbons and determined that increase amount catalyst on process of the oxidation does not affect, as follows leaving the target product does not increase. It is determined that when use carbon-nanotubes multi wall structures output oxysynthetic oil acids powerfully decreases in contrast with earlier called on studies that is a positive criterion of the process of the oxidation oil hydrocarbon.