Published October 2009

Production of ecologically clean automobile gasoline components






The ways for producing the ecologically clean automobile gasolines corresponding to the requirements of the world standards of Euro-4 and Euro-5 according to the content of sulphur, benzene, aromatic and olefin hydrocarbons have been developed. As is well known, the modern formulas of automobile gasolines require modifications in the composition of hydrocarbon groups towards increase isomerizates, alkylates and obligatory injection oxygenated additives in the compositions of gasolines for increasing the octane numbers and reducing exhaust emissions at the last. In the article results of researches on synthesis oxygenated additives (simple ethers) on the basis of butane-butylenes fraction from catalytic cracking process and mixtures of alcohols С1-С3 with using highly acidic zeolite-containing catalysts have been shown and illustrated. The optimum conditions of the process reveal that the mixtures of oxygenated additives in the percentage of 11 % to gasolines as compared to straight run gasolines without additive allow to increase the octane numbers with 8-9 numbers. Alkylation and hydrogenation processes are developed for reducing the content of benzene in gasoline reforming, for benzene fractions, and by using the industrial catalysts that allow to lower the benzene content practically to zero. For reducing the content of sulphur in gasoline catalytic cracking, the basic supplier of sulphur in commercial gasoline, it is held hydrotreating of light fractions of gasoline catalytic cracking in mild conditions (t = 70 оС and Р = 0,5 МПа) for the purpose of minimizing the saturation of olefins and losses in octane numbers and at this content, the general sulphur content in autogasoline has been decreased to 29 ppm. The carried out scientific researches have allowed to solve the complex problem of producing the ecologically safe gasolines and to lower the contents of the most toxic components (benzene and sulphur compounds) to the comprehensible level corresponding to modern international standards.
