Published October 2009

Perfection of structure of oil refining factory






Today profitability of oil refining factory (ORF) depends as on rational work of the enterprise and depth of oil refining, and from ecological characteristics of let out production and favourable sale of the goods. In article the problem of increase in profitability of a domestic petroleum-refining industry is considered. An effective remedy of the decision of environmental problems of manufacture and economic problems of realisation is perfection of structure of ORF and an intensification of integration processes. It is shown, that integration of oil and gas protection, their processing, petrochemistry with oil products delivery is necessary for effective functioning of the fuel power complex of the country. Tendencies of development of a world petroleum-refining industry and integration direction are analysed, the scheme of development of the domestic oil branch, providing oil refining and petrochemistry integration is offered. Integration of oil refining and petrochemical branches will improve barter: maintenance with raw materials and application of by-products, will increase efficiency of use of oil and profitability of economy as a whole, will give the chance to react to change of market condition and quality of developed products instantly.
