Published October 2009
Obtaining of diesel fuel from Azerbaijan grude oils meeting the requirements of Euro-5
S.G.AlievaIn connection with wide introduction of diesel engines into transport requirement in diesel fuels (DF), has inoreased considerably. In the USA and the countries of Europe rather serious measures are taken on restriction not only sulfur, but also aromatic hydrocarbons up (to 5-10%) in compositim DF as it is established that with increase of contents of aromatic hydrocarbons in fules of hard particles in exhaust gases and smoke-content increases. Besides, aromatic hydrocarbons and polycyclic compondes reduce cetane number. As is known, in manufacture of ecologically pure ДF an important place is occupied bu processes of hydrotrentmet dewakinq and hudroenrichament which developed in 70-80s. In the, obtaininq ecologically pure DF from straiqht-run distillates isolated from a mix of Azerbaijan orude oils, and also throiqh using gasoils of catalytic crackinq and coking as components, has bun shawn. To lower the content of sulphur and aromatic hydrocarbons dren to the norm, all over the world hydrotreatment and hydrogenation processes are used. DF obtained from a mix of Azerbaijan crunde oilswith the boiling end not hieher than 3400С was exposed to hydrotreatment process on flow installation of Experemental Production of IPCP. At hydrotreatment catalysts GKD-205 and AQKD-400 have been used. Toughening of ecological requirements to quality of DF, namely to the content of polycyclic compounds, in the future to the content of total aromatic hydrocarbons necessitates carrying out process of dearomatization. To lower the csatets of aromatic hydrocarbons is passible via hydrogenation process in a current hydrogen-containinq gas. Hydrogenation was conducted on palladiumcontaining catalyst GR-3. DF obtained by deep hydrorefininq on catalyst GR-3 meets the requirements of Euro-5. In the article results on obtaininq mixtures of DF through use of gasoils of catalytic crockinq and cokings as components are also shown. Mixes of straight-run DF with gasoils of coking and catalutic crockinq have been subjected to hydrotreatwat process on catalyst AGKD-400 and hydrogenations on catalyst GR-3. Thus, effective two-phae process of obtaininq ecologically-pure DF tran raw materials, containing secondary distillates has been developed.