Published October 2009

Standartization of products of oil refining and petrochemistry



A successful application of results of scientific researches, carried out by Azerbaijan scientists, in oil refining and petrochemical enterprises and in other branches of national economy has brought our country millions of mantas as an economical effect. In attaining these achievements Institute of Petrochemical Processes has an exceptional role. At present time a rapid development of oil industry exerts its influence on an increase of ecological problems in the surroundings and human health. Reduction of hazardous effect of production and every day‘s life wastes spreading into the surroundings and causing problems in the environment, their reuse as raw materials and maintaining an ecological balance in nature are among the most important issues now a days. For providing the products, obtained on the basis of results of scientific investigations carried out by our scientists in the field of oil refining and petrochemistry, with normative-technical documents, by decision of Council of Ministers of USSR, by joint order issued in 1993 by State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic, State Standardization Committee and National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan the Institute is considered as a base organization on standardization of petroleum and petroleum products. Besides, according to the joint order of Azerbaijan State Standardization and Metrology centre and National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in the institute during 1997-2003 Technical committee TK-03 on “Fuels and lubricating oils” functioned which had the right for advancing works on standardization in the field of fuels and lubricating oils produced in our republic, for raising norms of the standards to national and international levels, for final promoting the works developed in this field and recommended for implementation in production. The most important work of the base organization is to prepare standards ensuring extremely high quality of petroleum products produced in our country, these standards being on the level of world standards and meeting the requirements of environmental protection. The base organization, guided in its work by the system of Azerbaijan State Standardization, International standards, including ISO documents, has been functioning for more than 40 years within the institute in the direction of standardization and metrology of petroleum and petroleum products. For delivering petroleum and petroleum refining products produced in Azerbaijan to the world market as well as for raising the quality of these products up to world standards there have been worked out comparative tables of test methods and quality indices of automobile gasolines, jet and diesel fuels, motor and transmission oils as well as transformer and turbine oils. In these tables for each product test methods and quality indices have been shown in comparison separately with RF, USA and ISO standards. Construction of new installation for improving quality of the products made in our republic is one of the important tasks facing us. At present the works are continuing for preparation of normative-technical documents on obtaining perspective fuels in fewer technological stages and on producing raw materials for petrochemistry in our republic.  
