Published March 2024, Pg. 4-7

Section: Geology and geophysics

UOT: 551.7:001.8

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2024-03-4-7

Increasing the efficiency of ventilation of the Gadir mine

R.T. Ismayilov PhD in Tech. Sc. - “Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry” SRI

V.Kh. Hamzayev - “Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry” SRI

air losses
the consumption of electrical energy
ventilation of dead-end headings
Gadir mine
aerodynamic resistance
natural draft

The article is dedicated to the study of effective ventilation of underground mines on the example of the Gadir mine. As is known, the lack of effective ventilation in underground mines makes mining operations difficult and poses a threat to miners’ health. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the effectiv ventilation of underground mine workings.
The Gadir deposit, located in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is of great strategic importance. Development of the deposit is carried out by the underground method. The article provides brief information about the mine, and describes the methods of ventilation of the mine workings of the Gadir mine. The effect of natural draft on the ventilation of the mine is described, and also the consumption of electricity for ventilation of underground mine workings, and overcoming aerodynamic resistance is calculated. Finally, the results were discussed. It has been determined that a natural draft has a positive effect on ventilation is winter period. Also, it has been determined that the consumption of electricity to overcome the aerodynamic resistance of underground mine workings is insignificant.


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