Published March 2024, Pg. 14-18
Section: Technique and technology of oil-gas production
UOT: 622.276.5
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2024-03-14-18
Estimation of production rate distribution by overhaul periods of the wells
I.Z. Ahmadov Cand. in Tech. Sc. - Oil-Gas Scientifik Research Project InstituteThis article examines the issues of the distribution of production capacity over the actual intervals of the overhaul period of the wells under consideration. Production rates and overhaul intervals of wells are the main technical and economic indicators which are of great importance for increasing production and improving the efficiency of well stock operation in general, especially at the late stages of field development.
On the basis of actual field data ranges of oil and water flow rates and values of overhaul period of wells of Balakhany-Sabunchu-Ramana field have been analyzed. Plots of distribution of flow rates and relative total production for all actual intervals of overhaul period were plotted. Mathematical models of distribution of production indicators by overhaul of wells have been obtained with the help of computer program. The results of the research allow to reveal regularities and to estimate production capacity of the considered well stock under the given operating conditions.
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