Published March 2024, Pg. 19-22
Section: Oil field equipment
UOT: 667.691
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2024-03-19-22
Study of mathematical models of the process of manufacturing of plastic parts
N.A. Gasanova PhD in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan State University Oil and IndustryThe article considers the application of mathematical methods in studying the influence of individual regime parameters (specific pressure, pressing, holding time and pressing temperature) on the quality of manufactured parts. At the same time, plastic parts made of various materials used in oilfield equipment (covers, oil deflectors, gearboxes, pumping units, pump housing covers, etc.) were used as experimental objects for experiments. Optimal modes are recommended for use in the production of plastic parts for oilfield equipment. The study of the joint effect of all technological parameters on the accuracy of manufacturing individual elements of plastic parts is a complex task, and its solution, as for smooth plastic parts, is possible only with the use of mathematical modeling.
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