Published March 2024, Pg. 23-27
Section: Oil and gas preparing and transportation
UOT: 621.532.66
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2024-03-23-27
Hydraulic hammer and dynamic loads in multiphase pipelines
F.B. Ismayilova PhD in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan State University Oil and IndustryIn oil and gas production and from the practice of transporting hydrocarbons, it is well known that, when a mono- or multiphase flow is instantly pumped, a sharp change in pressure occurs in the pipeline. As a result of hydraulic hammer, i.e., when pressure waves form and are distributed in the pipeline, compression of the pumped system and elastic deformation of the pipeline occur.
Increasing the efficiency of pipeline operation requires the necessary diagnostics and consideration of the influence of such factors.
The article discusses the issues of analyzing various dynamic loads in pipelines, taking into account the influence of structural forms and phase features of pumped multiphase systems.
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