Published March 2024, Pg. 28-32
Section: Nanotechnologies in oil industry
UOT: 622.279.620.193/.197
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2024-03-28-32
The importance of carbon nanoenergy oil-producing countries
A.Ya. Khavkin Dr. in Tech. Sc. - Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice LumumbaThe importance of carbon nanoenergy for oil-producing countries, including traditional hydrocarbon energy, the use of carbon nanotubes, and gas hydrate energy, is considered. It is shown that the features of all types of carbon materials are determined at the nanoscale and that modern energy criteria determine the development of nanoenergy as one of the most important areas of nanotechnology application in the global economy. Carbon is used in equipment elements of renewable energy sources, in the nuclear industry, in hydrogen and solar energy. The renewable nature of hydrocarbon resources due to the carbon cycle is noted.
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