Published March 2024, Pg. 45-48
Section: Oil refining and petroleum chemistry
UOT: 543.51:665.65
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2024-03-45-48
High molecular compounds of Azeri oil field
B.A. Huseynova Dr. in Ch. Sc. - Institute of Petrochemical ProcessesThe article is devoted to the results of the study of the composition of the vacuum residue of oil from the Azeri field, which is produced in Azerbaijan sector from Caspian sea a depth of 3000–4000 m. The oil is light, low-sulfur, paraffinic (5.1 % solid paraffins), contains a small amount of heteroatoms, without asphaltenes.
The vacuum residue (>450 oC) was separated into naphthene-paraffin, aromatic and resin components with the method of column liquid eluent-adsorption chromatography. The structural group composition of individual groups was studied using IR and PMR spectroscopy. As a result, it was found that even concentrates of aromatic hydrocarbons and resins isolated from the residue (>450 oC) are enriched with naphthenic structures, the most valuable compounds that are part of oils and fuels, providing them with high performance properties.
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