Published March 2024, Pg. 49-55
Section: Economy, management and law
UOT: 622.3:658
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2024-03-49-55
The impact of neurotransmitters on business decision-making: a nexus of economic and medical considerations
T.N. Polukhov PhD in Economics - SOCARThe article highlights the interdisciplinary nature of decision-making theories and explores the pivotal role of business decisions in organizational success. It provides a comprehensive overview of decision-making models and delves into the impact of neurotransmitters, specifically dopamine and serotonin, on the decision-making process. The intricate relationship between stress, cortisol, and decision-making is thoroughly examined. The article concludes by discussing the utility function, considering the influence of neurotransmitters within the analytic hierarchy method of decision-making and presenting an axiomatic mathematical dependence.
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