Published March 2024, Pg. 56-61
Section: Young scientists and specialists
UOT: 622.276.1/.4.001.57
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2024-03-56-61
Forecasting oil displacement in clay-rich reservoirs using water injection with varying mineral compositions
R.R. Nazaraliyev - Baku Higher Oil SchoolOn the basis of a two-phase four-component fluid filtration model, mathematical modeling of a clay oil-bearing reservoir has been performed, which allows taking into account all physico-chemical processes occurring when exposed to water of various mineral composition, and on its basis to assess the possibility of restoring the reduced permeability of the reservoir due to the injection of water with low mineralization on the basis of treatment with a clay stabilizer. It has been established that the treatment of the layer with the optimal amount of clay stabilizer provides a significant intensification of oil production.
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