Published October 2022, Pg. 4-9

Section: Geology and geophysics

UOT: 550.834.09

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2022-10-4-9

The study of reservoir parameters of subsurface rocks based on the core data of anticline belt of Sangachal-deniz–Bulla-deniz

H.I. Shekerov Cand. in Geol.-Min.Sc. - “Oil-Gas Scientific Research Design” Institute

J.S. Abbasov PhD in Geol.-Min. Sc. - “Oil-Gas Scientific Research Design” Institute

core data
reservoir and petrophysical characteristics
rock fractions
fluid loss properties

Alongside the geological-geophysical characteristics of the fields being developed and explored, the calculation of hydrocarbon reserves, the modeling of the fields, as well as the specification and direction of a new exploration are of great importance with regard to the study of their reservoir parameters. With this purpose, the geological-geophysical studies carried out in the anticline belt of Sangachal-deniz–Bulla-deniz, and the data of samples of subsurface rocks from well intervals have been analyzed as well. The changes in reservoir parameters of the rocks of various granulometric content in the anticline zone have been investigated and the graphs of parameters depending on the depth have been developed. The studies justify that the sand and sand deposits keep their reservoir parameters even in comparatively large depths. These characteristics indicate the presence of favorable litofacies and structural-petrographic conditions for the accumulation of oil and gas reserves in deep sections. 


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