Published October 2022, Pg. 15-18
Section: Well drilling
UOT: 622.24:622.276
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2022-10-15-18
The calculation of curving intensity while drilling with operated rotor systems
M.M. Shirinov - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and IndustryOne of the recent achievements in the field of the systems of operated rotary wing providing fast increase of curving angle is a hybrid system combining the characteristics of the systems of control and deflection of axe.
There are several theoretic methods of calculation of curving intensity іα. The first of them is a method of using the depth by the vertical h and by horizontal s. In this method curving radius R is considered permanent (i.e. it changes along the circle arch).
The second method of calculation of curving intensity is a three-pointed technique, which can be applied for the drilling with a curved casing and with the systems of “Point the bit” as they are operated with similar mechanisms.
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