Published October 2022, Pg. 19-22
Section: Oil and gas field development and exploitation
UOT: 622.276
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2022-10-19-22
The analysis of well stock and making immediate decisions towards increasing oil production in mature fields
F.S. Ismailov Dr. in Tech. Sc. - ”Oil-Gas Scientific Research Design” InstituteRecently, the development and implementation of efficient technologies and technical tools to stabilize and increase the production in new oil and gas, as well as in mature fields are one of the urgent tasks. Therefore, new advanced methods of increasing oil production in the fields are necessary. The issue of struggling with the complications may be solved due to the development and wide scale employment of progressive techniques in the sphere of intensification of production in existing fields. Thus, considering the fact that the great majority of Absheron oil fields are in the last stage of development, as time goes by the changes in the reservoir lead to the formation of some complications in the operation wells, the solution of which remain an urgent challenge.
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