Published October 2022, Pg. 23-28
Section: Technique and technology of oil-gas production
UOT: 622.276.76
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2022-10-23-28
The study of the effect of flooding process in Neft Dashlary field on parameters of aggressive medium
N.A. Veliyev Cand. in Tech. Sc. - SOCARThe paper reviews the damage effect of aggressive medium occurring as a result of sea water injection for the maintenance of reservoir pressure and production in Neft Dashlary field, which is in a long-term development, as well as the treatment of bottomhole zone with various agents, biological contamination and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) arising due to the bacterial activity on the works towards the consolidation of well bottomhole zone.
Depending on the contact degree of cement stone with aggressive medium its corrosion probability is defined. Corrosion activity increases fast when well product contains small amount of H2S gas. According to the gas law, the gas solubility in fluids including in water is in direct proportion to the pressure. Small amount of H2S gas in produced water has a great effect on corrosion activity.
On the basis of the studies of rock-operation data, it was specified that the degree of the consolidation of well bottomhole zone carried out in the well of IX horizons and Low Kirmaki suite is inversely proportional to the amount of H2S. Thus, in the zones with great amount of H2S, the efficiency degree is low, and in the zones with small amount – high. These zones and the efficiency degree are reflected in the current maps of development of IX horizon and Low Kirmaki suite of the field.
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