Published October 2022, Pg. 29-35

Section: Оffshore hidrotechnical facilities

UOT: 622.276.53

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2022-10-29-35

Method of immediate control on technical state of offshore facilities

Ya.E. Ahmadov Cand. in Phys.-Math. Sc. - Republican Centre of Seismic Service

I.G. Huseynov Cand. in Tech. Sc. - ”Oil-Gas Scientific Design” Institute

Sh.I. Mustafayev Cand. in Tech. Sc. - Republican Centre of Seismic Service

A.T. Ismailova - Republican Centre of Seismic Service

natural vibrations
technical state
lateral section
vibration frequency
steel jacket
structure element

A method of immediate estimation of technical state and possibilities of further operation of offshore oil-gas hydrotechnical facilities is suggested.

Predictive capability of suggested technique is described through the implementation on the structure of a specific deep-water jacket in “Guneshli” field.


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