Published October 2022, Pg. 36-40

Section: Nanotechnologies in oil industry

UOT: 666.972.162-666952.3

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2022-10-36-40

The study of nanosilica in cement base materials

E.G. Shahbazov Dr. in Tech. Sc. - ”Oil-Gas Scientific Research Design” Institute

A.A. Guvalov Dr. in Tech. Sc. - Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

cement systems
cement stone

The effect of nanoparticles of nanosilica on the characteristics of the systems of cement-sand-water is studied. In the studies, 50–110 nm nanoparticles obtained through the separation of nanosilica from the soluble glass using the method of sol-gel were applied. The characteristics of solid samples were measured after their hardening during 3-28 days. The effect of nanoadditive on the density, speed of accumulation of final durability of cement samples in squeezing was defined.

Obtained results on the increase of durability in squeezing of solid cement samples should be explained with the effect of nanostructuring achieved with adding nanoparticles of silica. These particles are characterized with high specific surface and its high physical-chemical activity. It is shown that due to the effect of surface of silica nanoparticles, hydration speed of cement rises and direct formation of ordered permolecular structures of hydrates of calcium silicate structuring the cement matrix and improving its hardness occurs.

The results may be applied in construction technologies for the structuring of cement materials and improving their characteristics as well: durability, density, water permeability, cold resistance.


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