Published October 2022, Pg. 47-52
Section: Oil refining and petroleum chemistry
UOT: 541.128.542.547
DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2022-10-47-52
Oxidation of chlorotoluene, toluene and chlorobenzene in the presence of Ag/MnO2 catalyst
I.H. Melikova Cand. in Tech. Sc. - Institute for Catalysis and Inorganic ChemistryThe process of oxidation of toluene, chlorotoluene and chlorobenzene is studied and the optimum parameters for successful implementation of the synthesis modeling industrial processes selected as well. The results obtained in catalytic oxidation of toluene, chlorotoluene and chlorobenzene justify that Ag/MnO2 based catalytic systems have high activeness. Mentioned hydrothermal synthesized catalyst keeps its activeness and properties during the reaction of transition of compounds of toluene, chlorotoluene and chlorobenzene. In the presence of catalysts with Ag/MnO2 nanoparticles, the reaction runs with high percent (90 %) of conversion. The activeness of the catalyst in conversion process of these compounds is optimal with 8000 s-1 volume rate. The optimum temperature for high activeness of toluene, chlorotoluene and chlorobenzene is equal to 543, 490 and 658 К correspondingly. According to the results of analysis on the effect of the components and particles size of catalysts on its activeness, the systems are active in high conversion of the components of Ag/MnO2 + Mn, R-Ag/MnO2 + Ag, R-Ag/MnO2 + Al. These systems containing nanoparticles have high catalytic activeness as well.
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