Published October 2022, Pg. 53-59

Section: Еcology and industrial safety

UOT: 665.612.2 – 027.22

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2022-10-53-59

The difficulties in achievement of observance of environmental standards: legal enforcement and stability

E.M. Aliyev - Institute for Oil and Gas

environmental laws
correspondence and stability to environmental standards
implementation of environmental rules
models and legal enforcement

The speed of development of human society for the last fifty years threatens to lead the Earth and environment to a catastrophe. The development we observe today did not always exist. About four thousand years ago a human lived in a comparative harmony with the environment and did not harm it. However, as the human being developed and the tools he used advanced, the negative impact of human activity on the environment significantly increased. The mankind replied to this challenge – it developed and implemented environmental laws, norms and standards. Nevertheless, a great deal of rules could not prevent the damage on the environment due to the reasons reviewed in the paper. Thus, the author says, there is a significant mission before the humanity, which should be implemented by 2030. The mission consists of the decrease of harmful impact of human activity and environmental protection as well. Moreover, the author supposes that the laws of environment can play a significant role in support of this mission. He divides the theme into key aspects and reviews them. As a result, the paper studies the legal fundamentals of environmental laws and the ways of their introduction. The proportional spaces and global issues of environmental laws; their fragmental structure, poor attention to the environmental problems, the absence of efficient legal enforcement are just few of them. The paper generalizes the body of knowledge associated with the models of observance of environmental standards. Besides, the issues of legal enforcement, which various countries experience are discussed from a global point of view. In conclusion, the author suggests the views of how to support the observance of environmental norm.


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