New data on determination of lithostratigraphic sketich of middle jurassic deposits within Azerbaijan Precaspian trough
Ch.M.Khalifazadeh , I.T.Alieva , I.I.Nuraliev
The new oil and gas system zoning of Azerbaijan and adjacent regions of Middle and South Caspian Sea is base of oil and gas forecast
S.A.Alieva , B.M.Averbukh
Climatic conditions and character of forming vegetable cover of Caucasus in early Pliocene
Drilling condition analysis of Gala formation sediments in Palchig Pilpilesi field and drilling forecasting according to up-to-date geological data
M.A.Mamedova , D.B.Mamedov
Nanomodelling of technological processes of development and operation of oil-and-gas fields
R.M.Sattarov , А.Q.Qusmanova , I.R.Sattarzadeh
Production features modeling on the base of field data of well operation by sucker rod pump
M.I.Ahmadov , T.Sh.Salavatov
Pumping engine diagnostics on the basis of positional-binary technology in oil recovery
Ways of increase of reliability of gas supply of Sumgait on a basis of the construction of ring network
A.R. Ragimov
Reception of diesel fuel of DT mark with the sulphur maintenance not more than 500 ррм
Z.O.Alieva , S.A.Sultanov , S.G.Alieva
Research of products processing containing rubber wastes in the production of bituminous construction materials
A.Y. Musayeva , K.S.Shikhaliyev
Distribution rules of saturated hydrocarbon in oils of Azerbaijan
F.I.Samedova , F.Z.Alieva , B.A.Huseynova
Explosion and fires by reason of static electricity