Azerbaijan Oil Industry Journal
September 2023

In this number :

Section : Geology and geophysics

Influence of structural-tectonic factors on formation and prospectiveness of non-anticline traps

Kh.Z. Mukhtarova Cand. in Geol.-Min.Sc.

UOT: 553. 98(479.24):550.8.072

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-09-8-14

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Section : Oil and gas field development and exploitation

The current status of the waterflooding process in the Pirallahi adasi field

N.S. Kerimov , S.E. Taghiyeva Cand. in Tech. Sc. , Q.K. Ismayilova

UOT: 622.276:658.58

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-15-18

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Section : Technique and technology of oil-gas production

Combined method of impact on layered-heterogeneousn formation based on in-situ steam generation

E.N. Mamalov Cand. in Tech. Sc. , S.Zh. Abileva , G.Zh. Moldabayeva Dr. in Tech. Sc.

UOT: 622.276.654

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-19-23

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Section : Oil field equipment

Estimation of reliability of the sealing unit of three-plunger oil-field pumps using diffusıon non-monotone distribution

V.Sh. Huseynova PhD in Tech. Sc.

UOT: 621.242.6

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-24-29

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Section : Oil and gas preparing and transportation

About the method of calculation of strength and durability of steel technological pipelines of high pressure

A.R. Nagizade

UOT: 622.276.6

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-30-34

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Section : Oil refining and petroleum chemistry

High molecular compounds of deep-water Guneshli oil

B.A. Huseynova Dr. in Ch. Sc. , B.M. Aliyev Cand. in Phis.-Math. Sc. , N.F. Gafarova

UOT: 543.51:665.65

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-35-37

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Section : Oil refining and petroleum chemistry

Study of thermal stability of monoalkyl (С8-С12) phenol formaldehydes functionalized with imidazolines based on fatty acids of palm oil and polyamines

M.N. Amiraslanova Dr. in Ch. Sc. , N.R. Abdullayeva Dr. in Tech. Sc. , N.M. Aliyeva PhD in Ch. Sc. , Sh.R. Aliyeva, , P.E. Isayeva , R.A. Rustamov PhD in Ch. Sc. , F.A. Mammadzada

UOT: 678.632

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-38-42

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Section : Oil refining and petroleum chemistry

Intensification of the petrochemical field in the context of the moderhization of the country’s oil refineries

S.H. Eldarova PhD in Tech. Sc. , M.N. Javadova PhD in Tech. Sc. , I.A. Khudiyeva PhD in Tech. Sc. , O.B. Urban

UOT: 66.01

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-43-46

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Section : Economy, management and law

Theoretical and methodological aspects of increasing EOR factor

Q.S. Suleymanov Dr. in Ec. Sc. , C.K. Quliev

UOT: 66:658

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-47-53

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Section : Young scientists and specialists

Lithofacial characteristics of the miocene sediments of the tarsdallar area

A.G. Bakirova

UOT: 550.832

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/ 2023-09-54-60

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