Azerbaijan Oil Industry Journal
October 2023

In this number :

Section : Geology and geophysics

Hydrgeoological characteristics of underground waters of the southwest slope of the Great Caucasus

S.Sh. Salakhov Cand. in Geol.-Min.Sc. , Sh.S. Salakhov

UOT: 550: 622.276 (479.24)

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-4-9

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Section : Oil and gas field development and exploitation

On the decision-making on the choice of GTM - assessment of the current status and development perspective

S.V. Abbasova Cand. in Tech. Sc. , A.I. Koyshina Cand. in Tech. Sc.

UOT: 622.276

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-10-16

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Section : Technique and technology of oil-gas production

Introduction the technology of selective formation water isolation using gel-forming systems

А.G. Gurbanov , L.G. Gadjikerimova

UOT: 622.276.5

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-17-22

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Section : Oil and gas preparing and transportation

Diagnostics of multiphase flow zones during transportation of liquid gases

G.G. Ismayilov Dr. in Tech. Sc. , Kh.T. Jahangirova

UOT: 622.621.6

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-23-29

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Section : Oil refining and petroleum chemistry


E.A. Nagiyeva Dr. in Tech. Sc.

UOT: 621.892

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-30-35

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Section : Oil refining and petroleum chemistry

Comparative assessment of the qualities of commercial and synthetic transformer oils

R.Z. Hasanova Dr. in Tech. Sc. , S.B. Logmanova PhD in Tech. Sc. , M.J. Ibragimova Dr. in Ch. Sc. , N.F. Kafarova

UOT: 621.314

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-36-40

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Section : Oil refining and petroleum chemistry

Radicals in West Absheron oil

M.A. Najafova Dr. in Ch. Sc. , R.A. Jafarova Dr. in Ch. Sc. , Yu.Ə. Abdullaeva Cand. in Tech. Sc. , N.A. Rzaeva , N.G. Alekperova , M.А. Bairamov

UOT: 665.612.2-027.22

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-41-45

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Section : Economy, management and law

The impact of the implementation of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative on the economy and well-being of the participating countries

Sh.E. Azizov PhD in Economics

UOT: 622:338

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-46-52

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Section : Young scientists and specialists

On the possibilities of applying synergetics in econo-mic processes

G.N. Safarova

UOT: 622:338

DOI: 10.37474/0365-8554/2023-10-53-55

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