Integrated gravimetric and seismic survey results in Gazanbulag-Borsunlu-Ziyadkhan area
M.S.Ibragimli , V.G.Gadirov , Y.G.Ganbarov , A.G.Novruzov , A.B.Abbasov
The Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposit complexes structural correlations of Front Minor Caucasus cavity
Gas showing and spring formations at low depth when Umid field wells drilling
M.M. Iskenderov , E.S. Balayev , F.N. Kerimov
To a technique of regulation of selection of gas in the oil wells equipped down hole sucker-rods with pumps for the purpose of economy reservoirs of energy
Sh.S.Movlamov , V.S.Aghayev , Z.E.Mamedova , S.I.Allahverdiyeva
Gas Generation Compositions in Oil Recovery Improve
E.M. Azizov , H.V. Salamov , T.M. Latipov , G.M. Panakhov
Some simplifications of hydrodynamical calculations for recovery definition by displacement characteristics method
Improvement of the gas engine compressors oddments preparing technology
Phasic conversions investigation during natural gas transportation to onshore
N.N.Hamidov , A.Z.Abdulhasanov , V.D.Abdullayev
Supercritical fluids in petrochemistry and oil refining
S.Y.Rashidova , A.M.Gasimova , F.I.Samedova
Benzine content reducing possibilities studies in gasoline reforming
A.J.Huseynova , L.M.Mirzoyeva , R.A.Ashrafov , I.S.Huseynova , S.G.Yunusov
Various oil products influence on fuel oil combustion heat from Azerbaijan sweet oil
L.G.Nuriyev , F.F.Mamedov , A.S.Askerova
Re-structuring: social-economic problems of industrial enterprises
Modelling of transboundary spreading of oil spill in the Caspian sea