The new program of proccessing and interpretation of dual sonde pulsed neutron-neutron logging data
E. A. Aleskerov , R. R. Kazimov , R. A. Sharifov , A. K. Aleskerov , H. I. Shakarov
Depositional History of the Productive Series in the South Caspian, with Consideration of the Basin Subsidence (part I)
Riley Gregory , Nazim Abdullayev , Tim Green , Andrew Bowman
To the question of radioactive elements disribution in Lower Pliocene sediments of the South Caspian depression
F.D. Hasanov , U. Sh. Meghdiyev
About possibility of increase in efficiency of operational well drilling in abnormal conditions
I. H. Dadashov , I. Ch. Abbasov
Improvement of Physicomechanical Properties of Cement Mortal And Cement Stone at Fastening Bottom Zone
R.A. Ahmedov , N.E. Osmanov , T.M. Mamedov
Mathematical modelling of the problem of the displacing to oil by water with using the horizonyal borehole
I.K. Allahverdieva , G.A. Mamedov , M.N. Veliev , N.V. Mamedova
The determination of plunger stroke length loss and sinking depth of pump in the rod pump setting
T. M. Verdiyev , S. B. Bayramov
Some issues of combined transportation of oil and water via subsea pipelines
G. G. Ismailov , M. M Guliyev
The influence of the nature of dispersive medium on rheological properties of sealing lubricants
N.P. Ladokhina , M.E. Musayeva , F.A. Fatalizadeh , S.A. Mamedov , M.F. Farzaliyev
Oils for gear of industrial equipment
B. I. Musayevа , M. A. Guliyeva , M. R. Safarova , B. I. Abdullayev , E. A. Zulfugarov , N. P. Mustafayev
Some aspects of realization of simulated control problems
V. S. Agayev
Investigation of labour quality problems in the condition of modern systems of the quality management in institutions
T. A. Ahmedova , T. M. Mahammedov
Problems of sorbents using for gathering oil products at emergency conditions
J.N. Gahramanly