Searching of underground waters of the cone and paleoriver bed of the Araz with the electroprospecting methods
M. A. Asadov
New local inhibitor of gas hydrates on the basis of glycols
A. H. Bagirov , N. A. Veliyev , Y. R. Rzayev
Synthesis of alkaline-earth salts of hydroxyalkylbenzyl sulphonic acid and their investigation as lubricant additives
A. N. Aghayev , I. D. Gulaliyev , N. N. Zeynalova
Investigation of hydrodynamic indexes of ejector gaslift unit
E. E. Ramazanova , R. S. Gurbanov , N. B. Nuriev
Features, current position and perspectivity of operation of Gharachukhur deposit
M. K. Ataev , T. I. Aslanov
Tectonic features and oil-gas content of the south-east part of Alyat ridge
E. S. Balaev , M. G. Yusifov , А. К. Omarov , M. A. Mammadova
About the method of definition of the factor of hydraulic resistance while drilling of wells
M. A. Kerimov , S. O. Guseynоv
The inhibited composition for protection of water recirculation systems from corrosion and salt deposits
V.M. Kazimov , F.A. Mammadov , M.A. Mirzoeva , T.D. Jafarov
Oils of Kapaz deposit with hydrocarbon composition
B. A. Guseynova , F. I. Samedova , F. Z. Aliyeva
Joint refining of oil-containing waste and drainage emulsion, formed during calcination and desalting of the oil
S. M. Zeynally , Y. H. Abdullayev , N. M. Aliyeva , S. I. Ibrahimly , R. A. Rustamov
Improvement of tiredness of the threading parts of boring locks against stability
F. J. Hamidov , G. S. Abdullayev
Nickel-porphyrene complexes of oilcatalysts of oil residue hydraulic ore dressing
G. N. Abdullayeva , M. M. Aghaguseynova