Reservoir properties of sediments in Alat-deniz field
L.A.Sultanov , H.I.Shakarov , R.R.Kazimov
About possibility of the non-anticlinal traps discovery and forecasting problems under drilling in OGR interfluves Kura and Gabirry
Sh.Kh.Akhundov , N.M.Aliyev
About drilling wastes disposal
E.T. Nurpeisov , T.N. Mammadov
Investigations of new inhibitors against wax deposition
Modeling of oil reservoir flooding process at the last stage of development
V.J.Abdullayev , N.N.Hamidov , M.A.Huseynov , H.A.Safarov
About reliability of catching tools
Kh.M.Ibrahimov , L.G.Hajikarimova , E.Sh.Fataliyeva , A.R.Poladov
The present status systems or monitoring and functional diagnostic of leakages in the pipelines and organization arrangements for reducing the oil loss
Т.I.Kopisitskiy , Y.R.Rzаеv
Possible resources of Gobustan fields and oil shale appearances
Modern state of technological processes of demercaptanisation of oil and oil products and their intensification via new heterogeneous catalysts
I.G.Melikova , S.A.Aliyev , A.J.Efendi , G.Z.Suleymanov , T.T.Yarmammadov
The investigation of phenol wish cyclodimer isoprene interaction reaction in the presence of KU-23 catalyst in continuously acting settlement
Ch.K.Rasulov , R.K.Azimova , L.B.Zeynalova
The protection of lubricants from microbiologycal damage
G.B.Babayeva , N.P.Ladokhina , V.M.Farzaliyev , Z.K.Soltanova , M.T.Abbasova
Analysis of ecological situation in Azerbaijan from the context of sustainable development
S.A. Salimov , E.K. Alizadeh , R.A. Ragimov