The methods of increasing of PNN log efficiency in layer’s section with difficult formation components
M.K. Baghirov , G.A. Gamidova
Liquidation of complications in drilling wells in clay breeds
G.V. Dzabbarova , D.S. Akhundov , Sh.H. Bekirov
Nanotechnologies in oil and gas well drilling and tribomechanics properties management
E.A.Kazimov , E.K.Shahbazov
Research of possibility of overhaul period increasing on the basis of mathematical experiments
S.E. Taghiyeva , T.A. Ahmadova , I.Z. Ahmadov
Count methods of the bottom pressure in the oil, gazcondensate and gas wells
T.Sh. Salavatov , R.M. Dadashzade
Separation heat exchanger
A.A. Abdullayev , M.A. Abdulova , R.A. Panahov , E.V.Qadashova
States and perspectives of saline deposits prevention within the system of oil gathering on OGPD “Balakhanyneft”
O.A. Garaev , Z.B. Mirzadjanov , M.A. Mursalova
Influence of potassium salts of nitroderivative high -olefines in 1% NaCl soluted in CO2 saturated water on steel corrosion
S.R. Rasulov , N.S. Akhmedov , V.M. Abbasov , S.Y. Gadjiyeva , R.S. Magerramov
Kinetic model for degradation and modification of polyisobutylene with polar monomers under the action of catalysts Friedel - Crafts in solution
Ch.Sh. Ibragimov , F.A. Novruzova , Kh.Sh. Gadzhiakhmedzadeh
Ways of petroleum oil fractions processing from Azeri oil fields
S.B. Loghmanova , R.Z. Gasanova , S.F. Akhmedbekova , F.I. Samedova
Re-structuring: need of marketing and analysis of the enterprise competitive position in market
E.Kh. Alekberova
Sorbent based on processing of used car tires for cleaning of water surface from oil and oil products
Y.M. Bilalov , S.M. Ibrahimova , I.H. Movlayev , K.S. Shikhaliyev