Paleotectonical and paleogeographical basis of oil and gas bearing prospects of Mesozoic deposits of the Precaspian-Gubian oil and gas bearing region
A.M.Suleymanov , B.I.Magerramov , R.L.Zeynalov
Primary gas accumulation zones in South Caspian depression
N.I. Imanov , A.V. Poletayev , F.G. Dadashov
Qualitative installation of cement plugs in wells
N.S.Hamidov , Y.Kh.Rahimova , E.M.Suleymanov
Stratum oil recovery increasing via local industrial wastes
U.Sh. Mehdiyev , Sh.P. Kazimov , A.M. Gasimli
Effective frequences definition in vibrational impact on bottomhole formation zone
S.T. Zakenov
Wells development and exploitation monitoring via Jini-Lorenz method
I.Z. Ahmadov , Y.I. Madatov
Prospective motor control for pumpjuck operations using variable speed drive in oil extraction
G.A.Guluyev , Y.G.Aliyev , P.O.Seyidov , A.G.Rzayev , F.G.Pashayev , I.B.Yusifov
Grapho-analitical calculation method of resin-paraffin in oil pipelines
K.P.Aliyev , Kh.I.Hasanov
Method for sediments determination inside oil pipelines while oil transportation
E.M. Abbasov
Investigation of the composite type SAS surface activities synthesized from crude oil acids
S.E.Abdullayev , H.M.Musayeva , T.A.Ismayilov , R.Kh.Khudiyev , V.M.Abbasov , S.R.Rasulov , E.F.Sultanov
Nature influence on cottonseed’s oil rheological properties of screwed lubricants
M.F.Farzaliyev , F.A.Fatalizadeh , E.Y.Aliyev , S.A.Mamedov , N.P.Ladokhina
New bactericide preparations based on petrochemical technologies by - products
A.G. Gasanov , I.G.Ayubov , E.G. Mamedbeyli , A.G. Azizov , I.M. Mamedova
Vat residue adsorption cleaning of isopropyl alcohol absolution column
M.A. Huseynova , F.M. Shahverdiyeva , I.N. Hajiyev , N.A. Salimova , F.R. Aliyeva
Mathematical methods usage in the budgetary price setting question while well construction
A.Garalov , I.Silvestrova , F.Hasanov , B.Press
Decision making in drilling based on modeling results and nature of information evaluation
O.G. Kirisenko